DLE-ს ბოლო ვერსია
Have been developed and implemented the following changes :
1. A new
WYSIWYG editor, or rather to say that radically overhauled old WYSIWYG
editor. Of the major innovations are the following :
New changeable dashboard-style Office 2007
- Significantly uvelichina speed Editor
Contributed by numerous changes in work relating to formatting text,
taking into account the wishes of the majority of users, at the outlet
you get much more pleasant text and smaller
- Fixed many mistakes and inadequacies Editor
2. In module IP utility "has been added to search for the name of IP addresses used by the user while writing comments
Added most likely expected many functions : All downloaded images
distributed through a script file for months that puts a large number
of images in the form of more sorted.
4. In advertising
management module added to the job for which groups of users or groups
to display the ads, but for whom it off. This innovation will allow you
to reduce the level of advertising targeted at specific groups, such as
registered users.
5. The module has been added to send personal
use security code (CAPTHA) when sending personal messages, thereby
blocking harmful habits on the site. Inclusion of the code is for each
group separately configured user groups.
6. Some administrators
sites for reasons sometimes configured categories when writing why try
to put myself in their category or invest in its own subcategory what
logic they use with clear, but nevertheless set categories were added
to the blocking mechanisms unreasonable conduct to delete
nekkorrektnuyu work script in the future.
7. The module additions to
the news site added to the security of the code (CAPTHA) with the
addition of news. What can block the use of being avtopostinga news on
your site. Enabling or disabling security code is in adminpaneli
configured script, in your news.
8. Added new module Google Sitemap.
Creating a site map for the Google search engine is the push of a
button, at any time, the map is stored on a server in the form of
UNKLE, it is not a burden on the server.
9. Maximum length URL
new news reduced to 40 characters in a CNC thus reduced pressure on the
MySQL server when viewing data News, which used the long title and the
automatic creation of URL news
10. Bug in the module search for a site, which also participated in the search news publication date has not yet arrived.
11. Ability configured groups to authorize or prohibit participation of a group representing ratings for the news.
12. Improved output module related news. In heuristic analysis added headline news and additional fields news.
13. Bug in the module "search and replace" in adminpaneli, which led to the loss of additional fields.
Improved sharing of the various types of editors at the same time. For
example, if your visitors add news using BBCODES editor, and you need
to edit a story, using WYSIWYG editor. It is possible entrapment and
nekkorektnoe further use of the Service code of BB Editor, which used
to perekonvertirovaniya.
15. Fixes problems in the module RSS
informerov, leading in some cases to incorrect calculation of the
maximum number of displayed characters.
16. Fixes minor defect in the automatic formation of meta tags.
17. Added automatic support link type : mms : / / using BBCODES Editor
Added use of two mechanisms for searching. Simple search and full. Full
text search indexes MySQL fully utilize and maintain a better quality
search search words, using different combinations. Simple search is
seeking less quality, but can sometimes consume less resources. Also,
has been completely overhauled full text search over version 6.0,
significantly increased the speed and with less complex queries. Also
added support for MySQL 3.xx thereby reduced sistemye minimum
requirements for working with a script.
19. Improve mechanism
for the formation of links CNC News, the words in the URL is now
divided by a stroke, also ruled repeated dashes divide words, in other
words a reference to the story, became a more pleasant appearance.
In your script added to turn on or off be possible rating for the news
viewing news summary. If this option off, the news of the possible vote
only when viewing the full news.
21. Changed the logic of your
script downloading images to a server. If a limitation on the size of
the original image, then check the weight restriction on the image is
not still, the image will be automatically reduced to the desired size
and weight, respectively, it will be much less.
22. Added security code module in restoring forgotten password, to delete spam mass mailing unwanted users
23. Added automatic removal tag RSS informera a template if the informer should not appear under its settings in adminpaneli.
Better OCR system and respond to unexpected errors RSS flows ins "RSS
import and RSS informery" data errors correctly handled the script and
did not cause his sudden stop.
25. Contributed by many small
improvements and code optimization in the script, and corrected all the
mistakes and previously script.
Notice : I am not a professional in nulling scripts. i just translate some things from the Russian version by M.I.D Team
Datalife Engine 6.2 Nulled By M.I.D + English Language + English Template + Translated Editor