a)Unzip the download.
b)Make sure that read,write permission[666] is given to the file's in HGB/gb.php, HGB/col.php, HGB/fil.php, HGB/ban.php.
c)Just start using the guest book by going to the link /HGB/index.php [e.g: http://www.testguestbook.com/HGB/index.php] Configuring Look and Feel:
d)Edit the file HGB/color.txt, just give the color to what ever you want.
Changing UserName & Password:
e) Edit passwo.php and change the username and password.
f)Setting new messages in the top
Edit the file lookgb.php and add the following lines under the line '$order = $_GET['so'];'
if($order == "" || $order == NULL)
$order = "dec";
NOTE 1: An example file path
Your test file - /public_html/test-hiox-guestbook.php
HGB package - /public_html/HGB/*
NOTE 2: Your file's should be named with .php extension. [if your filename is test.html rename it to test.php]